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Reincidentes, on and on (Miguel Paredes)
DVD – Documentary, 67′
Format: 16:9
V.O.: Spanish
Extras: Flying Prohibited (shootings into the air) (Documentary 31′)
Price: 10 euros
Synopsis: Members of the punk-rock band Reincidentes are part of a generation marked by constant conflicts and political changes. REINCIDENTES, ON AND ON reviews the trajectory of this sevillian band along its (almost) 30-year career. A journey in which social struggles, always present in his music, stand in the foreground.
Now you can also watch it online in «Credits» for just 1.43€
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Guillena 1937 (Mariano Agudo)
DVD – Documentary, 60′
Format: 16:9
V.O.: Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French.
Extras: Historial Memory homage report and Award to «19 Mujeres de Guillena» Association report..
Price: 10 euros
Synopsis: In September, 1937, seventeen women were dragged out from their homes by order of the rebel authorities and were cast into a cell inside the local government building. A month later, after being publicly harassed and humiliated, they were executed in the cemetery of Gerena, a nearby town. Their relatives have to wait 75 years to exhume their bodies, crowded together in a mass grave. This film reflect on the use of violence on women as a war weapon and on the missing relatives need of finding and burying their loved ones.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits» for just 2,25€
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Memory of ashes (Eduardo Montero)
DVD – Documentary, 60′
Format: 16:9
V.O.: Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, German
Extras: Biographies.
Price: 10 euros
More than 1.500 andalusians were captured in Nazi’s prisons camp during the years of World War II. A thousand lost their lives in those halls of horror, designed to degrade the human condition to the most unimaginable levels. Survivors swore they will devote their lives to remember and honor the memory of the millions of human beings killed in these camps.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits» for just 2,25€
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The single mother (Miguel Paredes, 2010)
DVD – Documentary, 60′
Format: 16:9
V.O.: Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
Extras: Biografías, ficha técnica.
Price: 10 euros
The Franco regime wanted to support its ideology on a key column: the family. The subjugation of women in all aspects was essential and a framework of legal, educational, social, family and work limitations was set in order to cut freedoms. For a woman, having a child out of wedlock meant, in that context suffering the most cruel humiliations from a society subdued to ultra conservative Catholic codes of conduct that punished severely any attitude that was out of the norm.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits» for just 2,25€
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London is not Seville ( Mariano Agudo, 2010)
DVD – Documentary, 52′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish
Extras: Trailer. Video-protocol of eviction. Torture simulation. Press TV.
Price: 10 euros
Seville. The November 29, 2007, at 8:00 AM, the eviction of the squatted and self-managed social center «Casas Viejas» starts. Six people anchor their arms to the building, two of them in a tunnel four meters below the ground level.At the same time, hundreds of people demonstrated in the streets in a last attempt to stop the eviction. This documentary narrates the 36 hours that lasted the eviction of Casas Viejas.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits»
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From Darkness (Mariano Agudo y Julio Sánchez Veiga, 2008)
DVD – Documentary, 60′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: English, kurdish, turkish.
Subtitles: Spanish, english, french, german.
Price: 10 euros.
Much of the twentieth-century history of Turkey is still in the dark. We follow the trail of some of the most significant figures in the political life of this country and also of anonymous people who have seen how they lost a piece of their lives in the way to freedom.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits»
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Brad (Miguel Castro, 2007)
DVD – Documentary, 53′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: English, portuguese.
Subtitles: Spanish, portuguese, english, euskera, french, german.
Price: 10 euros.
On the night of October 27, 2006, my phone rang. It was a friend. He told me crying that a few hours earlier Brad had been killed, camera in hand, filming inside a barricade in the popular uprising of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits».
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La Partida (Mariano Agudo, 2007)
DVD – Documentary, 60′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, euskera.
Price: 10 euros.
After the Spanish Civil War, thousands of anti-fascist fighters hid in the hills to save their lives. La Partida is a is a journey back in time to an Andalusian region that was the epicenter of activity of one of the most active guerrilla groups in the country, ‘la Partida de Roberto’.
Now you can watch it online in «Credits»
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Moroccan labyrinth ( Julio Sánchez Veiga, 2007)
DVD – Documentary, 90′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish, french, tamazight, arabian.
Subtitles: Spanish, english, french.
Extras: Director’s biography. Selected filmography.
Price: 10 euros.
The Spanish colonialism in Morocco was decisive in the history of Spain. After the «disaster of 1898» the monarchy and the military were determined to control this territory despite the massive popular opposition. EL Barranco del Lobo, la Semana Trágica, Annual… The conflict cost tens of thousands of lives and polarized Spanish society. Spanish Civil War was in some part result of this conflict. Moroccans, eternal enemies, became strong allies of Franco side
Now you can watch it online in «Credits».
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Yindabad (Mariano Agudo y Roi Guitián, 2007)
DVD – Documentary, 55′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: English, Hindi, Maharati, Gujarati y Tribal.
Subtítulos: Spanish, galego, euskara, catalá, french, english.
Extras: Trailer. Images Gallery.
Price: 10 euros.
The Development Project for the River Narmada Valley in India envisages the construction of 30 large dams, 135 medium and more than 3000 small dams. This will affect more than two and a half million people, mostly indigenous that not only will lose their homes but also their way of life.
It will soon be online.
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Prisoners of Silence (Mariano Agudo y Eduardo Montero, 2004)
DVD – Documental, 60′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish
Subtítulos: English, french.
Extras: Biographies.
Price: 10 euros.
Between 1939 and 1962, thousands of political prisoners were involved in the construction of the 160 kilometers of the Bajo Guadalquivir Canal, popularly known as «The Canal of Prisoners.» Through the testimony of the relatives and of the prisoners themselves, the circumstances surrounding this colossal work that is part of the recent history of our land are analyzed, providing unpublished data about this unknown piece of history.
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Sour Strawberry
DVD – Documentary
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish
Price: 10 euros.
June 10, 2002, 465 immigrant workers enter in Pablo de Olavide University and shut themselves in the building in order to regularize their situation. Getting their claims would open a chance of turning down the current Immigration Act whose main goal is condemn to illegality to all undocumented.
Now you can watch the documentary in «Credtis»
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The Defense of cotton/strong> ( Julio Sánchez Veiga, 2002)
DVD – Documentary, 88′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O.: Spanish
Price: 10 euros.
his is the chronicle of the struggle for the defense of crop and a production model that has managed to turn cotton into the livelihood of thousands of families in the Andalusian countryside.
You can watch the documentary in «Credits»
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Flying Prohibited (Julio Sánchez Veiga y Mariano Agudo, 1997)
DVD – Documentary, 33′
Format: 16:9 (Letter Box)
V.O: Spanish.
Price: 10 euros.
The April 19, 1992, a demonstration against the celebration of the Fifth Centenary (of the discovery of America) was repressed by the National Police of Seville, as a result three people got bullet wounds and a large number were detained. EThis documentary revives and analyzes the details of a repressive campaign sponsored by political power, carried out by the National Police and supported by the media.
Now you can watch the documentary online in «Credtis»