The expanded education


  • Director: Julio Sánchez Veiga
  • Year: 2009
  • Formato: Documental. HDV
  • Length: 58
  • Guion: Julio Sánchez Veiga
  • Producción: Intermedia Producciones en coproducción con ZEMOS 98
  • Fotografía: Alejandro G. Salgado, Julio Sánchez Veiga
  • Sound: Andrés Zoilo
  • Music: Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca
  • Montage: Kiko Romero
  • Link:


How many times have you felt that if you knew “something”, that “something” could radically change your life? What do you want to know but have never found anybody to teach you? Do you know someone who can do something “valuable”, “curious”, “special”?. This documentary, co-produced by ZEMOS98 Cultural and Creative Management and Intermedia Productions, recounts the experience at IES Antonio Dominguez Ortiz (located in the 3.000 Viviendas district of Seville) during the Common Knowledge Bank workshop imparted by Platoniq in the International Festival ZEMOS98-11 edition. A critical and challenging view at the traditional educational system, a question in the form of an answer: education can happen anytime, anywhere. (By ZEMOS98)


Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo 2009