- Year: 2010
- Formato: Documental. HDV
- Length: 60
- Director: Miguel Paredes
- Guion: Miguel Paredes
- Producción: Producido por Intermedia Producciones con la colaboración de Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Cultura. Con la Participación de Canal Sur Radio y Televisión Andalucía
- Production management: Nieves González
- Fotografía: Mariano Agudo
- Sound: Daniel de Zayas
- Montage: Mariluz Domínguez
- Link:
The Franco regime wanted to support its ideology on a key column: the family. The subjugation of women in all aspects was essential and a framework of legal, educational, social, family and work limitations was set in order to cut freedoms. For a woman, having a child out of wedlock meant, in that context suffering the most cruel humiliations from a society subdued to ultra conservative Catholic codes of conduct that punished severely any attitude that was out of the norm.
Imaginera Award Documentary creation 2010
Broadcasted in Canal Sur TV